Sunday, August 26, 2007

Maud Humphrey Lithographs

One of my very favorite types of ephemera are the antique lithographs by illustrators like Maud Humphrey (Bogart). Maud is famous for her illustrations of babies and children dressed in Victorian style clothing. She is also famous for being the mother of actor Humphrey Bogart. It is reported that one of her favorite baby models was her son Humphrey. He was used to model for an advertisement she did for Mellin Baby Food. Maud's career spanned from the late 1880's up to the 1920's. She did illustrations for advertisements, calendars, cards, and books during her career. Pictured is a litho dated 1888 published by Frederick A. Stokes & Brother of New York.

1 comment:

Betty Vega said...

Hello, I have this picture and I'm going to give to my grand niece who just turned one.
My picture has Maud's signature under the child's elbow. Is it an original lithograph?
Found it in an antique store in Sedona, AZ. Over this last week.
Thank you, and have a great day.
By the way I live in Thousand Oaks, Ca.

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