Saturday, December 16, 2006

New Interest in Record Albums

A trend that I'm seeing here in the Midwest, is a growing interest in Vinyl...the Long Playing Record Albums. I see a growing number of people coming into our Antique Mall asking for the old albums. In the beginning, I assumed they wanted them for the fantastic old covers of the albums. I'm finding out that people are actually buying these albums to listen to them.

We have a group of High School boys who come in on a regular basis and purchase a variety of the music from the past. Jazz, R&B, Soul, and Hard Rock seem to be the most popular with this age group.

Recently, the phenomena seems to be growing...the parents of these kids are now coming in and buying albums that they remember. In other words the kids have generated a sort of re-interest of the old vinyl in their parents.

During this Holiday Buying Season we have had many people reporting that they have purchased vintage Record Players and equipment to play the albums on.

In response to what I'm seeing in the 'brick and mortar' market, I've recently begun to offer a variety of LP Albums on my website. They can be found in the category: Music Related and the subcategory of Recordings - LPs.

Visit our shop at The Paper Trail

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